Friday, July 22, 2011

The Problem with Cloud Computing is the Data.......

While reading  an article on GigaOm about the energy savings provided through cloud computing a question arose in my mind okay cloud computing can save you money on the energy side but what about getting the data there and then maintaining access to it? Unless you have a VPN there ought to be a concern about the data caps that your ISP provider places on your terms of service. For for all intents and purposes how much are you really saving when the issue becomes one of accessibility of data? It’s one thing to have a cloud on a private data center would be much cheaper to implement rather than spend time and money on hardware for needed capacity. But to place data in a public cloud seems rather careless to me where we do not have 100% accessibility to online data. Sure it might seem like a great idea to use cloud computing. But when you factor in the cost of lost data in the cloud because either data caps, or the fact that the server where you had your stuff gets confiscated because it  was next to a server that was part of a federal execution of a search warrant, then the benefits, and cost savings of cloud computing don’t seem so great after all.

Those are my Two Bits on the issue. Eric

Today's Links and My Two Bits.

“Comcast (CMCSA) Showing Bearish Technicals”

“Analyst: Comcast Stock Price Values NBCUniversal at 'Close to Zero'”

“State of server technology and operating systems: 2011”

“FiOS FIght: Buffalo Group Accuses Verizon of Ignoring Urban Poor”
How can Verizon expect a return on investment if the poor cannot pay their bills? They must be poor for  reason? Verizon is a private company and they should not be forced into any area’s that they don’t want to go. If the poor of Buffalo want the service that Verizon offers, then they should strive better for themselves, and move to an area that the company offers the service. In other words it ought to be an incentive one of many, that encourages’ people to work for a better life, and not expect government to hand one to them.

“AT&T’s CEO calls DSL obsolete”

“Google sacrifices Google Labs to 'product focus'”

“NoSQL standouts: New databases for new applications”

“The new Mac OS X's biggest disappointments”

“Accessible backups, not recursive backups”

“Riverbed preps to take on F5, Citrix via 2 buyouts”

“The consumerization of IT”

Will Netflix report monster earnings Monday? Some people think so.

“Top 10 IT skills most-often mentioned in job ads: HTML5, mobile apps are hot”

“Breakthrough removes major hurdle for quantum computing”

“Microsoft's online sinkhole: $8.5 billion lost in 9 years”
I can hear the calls for the removal of Steve Ballmer getting louder.

“Google dumps Firefox toolbar; is a split with Mozilla next?”
Change is in the air over at Google. They have a new CEO and he’s shifting the company to his vision of things.

“Why you shouldn't trust Google (or any cloud service) with your data”

“Yahoo builds ultimate private cloud”

An online IT Job Search Bible.

Everything you need to know about SharePoint with this bible of info.

Surfs up!.............................Eric

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some of Today's Top Tech News Stories.

A 1TB hard drive for notebook computers from Western Digital.

Twitter gets into the act of Censorship and shuts of Conservative Groups Twitter Feeds.

“Asus Transformer Tablet: Surprising Second Best in Sales After Apple iPad”

Product Review: “D-Link HD Media Router 1000”

“Does Google Have a Lottery Ticket Attached to It?”

“Libraries become social hubs in the Internet Age”

“Roku Adds Angry Birds, Improves Netflix Support”

“Acer To Buy US Cloud Technology Developer iGware For US$320M”

“Hackers Shift Attacks to Small Firms”

“Tech Giants Defend Privacy Practices”

Surfs up!............................Eric

Twitter Shuts Down Conservative Groups Twitter Feeds.

Twitter has decided in it’s infinite wisdom that a conservative group in Texas is a threat to every ones’ life, liberty, pursuit of liberty in everything political, and tech. By shutting off the the accounts not only of the organization, but also of everyone in the organizations staff who has a personal account with Twitter. What did this group do that was bad that warranted such treatment? It’s not a group of hackers, or even the mob in disguise. It a political action group who Twitter thought warranted censorship. Twitter has just run smack dab into the middle of a host freedom speech issues, unless it rectify's the issue. You can read more at;

Surfs up!...................Eric

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

America Needs to learn Cloud Economics 101.

If the United States wants jobs then it needs to learn Cloud Economics 101. Here are a couple of headlines that caught my eye.
“Cloud computing to create one lakh jobs in India”
“U.S. to Close 800 Computer Data Centers”
On one hand you have the people in India looking at cloud computing as a resource to bring more jobs to that nation. On the other hand you have the Americans lamenting about the loss of jobs to the cloud. Two opposites of the spectrum and two very different view points about the advantages of cloud computing. We also see from the two articles that Indians are hungrier for the jobs that the cloud might provide. Americans tend to look at the negative side of the cloud and see the loss of jobs. So how do Americans compete with their Indian counter parts? Do as the Indians do and look at the cloud as an opportunity. Another lesson that we Americans have to learn is that we live in a global market place and if we want the jobs that the Indians want from the advantages that the cloud offers then we have to be priced accordingly. Let me simplify this further. We need to offer not only better product and services that are better than any company could get from India but that have to be cheaper. If they are not cheaper then the product or service has to be really spectacular that no company would go to India to get. Allow me to further state that the loss of federal jobs because of the closure of the data center will benefit the economy in other ways not already stated. Those federal employees’ who loose their jobs can now turn their attention to the marketplace and place for their next job. They in effect become more profitable for the over all economy because now they might bring to the market a skill set that a profit making enterprise might use that would generate more income. This in effect generates more tax revenue, that the government can then collect in the various forms of taxation. So with this current line of thinking in mind someone might think that it would be a good thing if federal government employee’s lost their jobs. In the short term no as those employee’s transition from the public sector to the private sector. But over the long term as those former government employee’s found profitable jobs absolutely it would be a good thing. Thus if Americans want jobs then we need to start looking at the cloud as the Indians do, as a job maker and not a job destroyers. I smell opportunities in the cloud do you?

Surfs up!........................Eric

Today's Links.

“Yahoo builds ultimate private cloud”

“Disappearing $69 iPad 2 triggers buyer outrage at Sears”

“Why Your Business Should Accept Mobile Payments”

A slide show of pc tools.

“Google founders were talked out of ignoring user email”

“Visa, MasterCard and AmEx join Google Wallet competitor”

“Google has 3 priorities, and enterprise IT isn't one of them”

“8x8 launches cloud-based videoconferencing”

“CloudBees Open Source PaaS Java Testing Service”

“Top general says Defense Department IT in 'Stone Age'”

“Google acquires domain for its shortened URLs”

“Ujam, making the music of tomorrow”

“WLAN management takes to the cloud”

“Capt Kirk banned from Google+ then reinstated. Reason: 5,000 circle buddies max allowed.”
Another bright idea from Google.

“Breakthrough could lead to 732-mile electric car battery”

Ev charging stations for the home.

“Note to IT director: Less blame, more skills”

“EVO6 Cat6 Self-Tracing Patch Cord”

“The Death of Backup And the Rapid Rise of the Cloud”

Surfs up!.........................Eric

Google investors Cry in their Java.

Do you hear that sound? that’s the sound of Google investors crying in their java after Google CEO Larry Page said in a conference call that Google basically has no intention of catering to business customers. Read the story here;
If I’m a investor in Google and I am no longer, I'm cursing, and swearing up a storm thinking that has to be one of the most stupidest, idiotic things I’ve heard come out of Google in a long time. Here you have one of the greatest cloud companies of all time basically saying we don’t want to make money from the big boy’s, we just want to make money from the small fry. That’s like me passing up fillet Mignon, or my wife passing up a lobster dinner. It doesn't happen. But yet here you have Google saying Oh we don’t really want to make money, if Microsoft wants to cater to the enterprise customer in the cloud they can if they want. You want to talk about stupid? This has dumb written all over it. Google could be a leader in market share when it comes  to cloud services. But will they be? Nooooooooooooo. They just gave Microsoft a big wet one. Mark my words the day will come when it comes back to bite Google.

Surfs up!..............................................Eric

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today's Links and A List of the Worst of.....That Boston is Not on.

“A Facebook warning call: NYT says Google+ gets privacy right”

“Amazon launches Kindle textbook rentals”

Five tips for becoming a superstar blogger”

Go for a screwdriver, come back with an EV charging station”

“The wrong way to use QR codes”

“SeaMicro pushes 'Atom smasher' to 768 cores in 10U box”

“160-Year-Old American Express Out-Innovates Google and Groupon”

“New Robot Touch Sensor Paves The Way To More Lifelike Humanoids (Video)”

Here’s a worse of list that Boston is not on...

“Napkins: Where Ethernet, Compaq and Facebook's cool data center got their starts”

“Mobile security: iOS vs. Android vs. WebOS vs. the rest”

“CSA helps clear up cloud security questions”

“IT job seekers: Get cracking now”

“FBI's Anonymous challenge: Cast a wide net vs. distributed hacking group”

“EPA raises the bar on Energy Star ratings”

“IBM talks data center trench warfare with Oracle, HP”

“Right-sizing HP equipment power in the datacenter”

“Why those guilty of bad code must pay”

“Anonymous Speaks Volumes About Google+”

“Google Plus: The top 10 missing features”

“Survey: Wireless Networks Are Near Capacity”

“Healthcare IT Faces Deadline on New Medical Codes”

“EU Orders Member States to Implement Cookie Law, or Else”

“Why Enterprises Will Skip Windows 8”

Surfs up!............................Eric