Saturday, March 19, 2011

This week's left overs.

I was cleaning my inbox and came across these articles from the past week that I found interesting.


Both of these articles come Network World.

From Net Defense "Can your security policy handle IPv6?"

"The Case for Enterprise IPv6"  From writer Jeff Doyle.

Want some free tools for a better surfing experience? From PcWorld these freebies.

"Nand flash memory vendor files Ipo"
This article is a little older than a week but I thought it was interesting none the less because of the advances in memory technology described in the article.

Here's a couple of articles that are older than a week, but relevant all the same. From Network World reflections on T-1.



Surfs up........................ Eric

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Wonderful World of Technology.................

  Here we sit in this modern world of technology. Technology that is suppose to help us live better, longer, and be a more productive part of society. With the launch of this new blog devoted to all things tech let us keep in mind that we can as is our natural right accept, and reject those things of technology, that we either want, or do not want in our lives.
   The purpose of this blog is to be informative as well as current as possible about everything tech. Tech encompasses a big world. For the purpose of this blog I refer to tech as everything related to computers, computer networks, servers and routers. Then there's alway's the evolution of the internet it's self, the future of computers, and applications based in the cloud. Another topic for posting under the heading of tech is the implementation of IPv6 and how that's going to play out on the net or affect commerce across the net.
   As with all new endeavors there are to be growing pains with this blog, especially as I get feed back from friends so if you see changes or want to see changes made to this blog, I ask that you be patient with me in managing this blog.


Today's Favorite Articles.

Here's what's new and fresh from the world of tech.

From the AP there's word that the wait for the new ipad 2 could get pretty long because of the earth quake in Japan.

From Network World here's an article about how security services in the cloud are picking up momentum.

Hp say's it can crush Cisco with it's converged infrastructure approach. Here's this little article from Network Wold.

Firefox4 better than  Chrome10 or 11.1? That would be saying allot. Here's a preview from PCW.
As for myself I use Chrome and love it. For Firefox4 to be better than Chrome it has to come out with a bang. We'll find out when it drops on Tuesday.

Android browser faster than the iPhone so say critics.

Do you want to read about someone's experience with IPv6? Here's a blog from a network engineer whose been "monkeying around" with it.

A question arises "How do I ask for a pay raise now that I have my latest certification?" You might want to read this article.

For some hard core tech talk in network routing check out this blog posting on "My Etherealmind" about L2 Multipath.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's Favorite Articles.

Here are some articles that I think are worth your time to read.

From PC World comes this article about Netflix dominating the online streaming market with a 60% share. Compare that to Comcast at #2 with 8% of the online streaming market. "There's going to be blood."

Do you need a cloud telephone solution. Here's article from Network World on Twilio which might fit your needs. source=NWWNLE_nlt_cloud_security_2011-03-17

With the move to IPv6 you should include on how to handle your internet defenses as you migrate from IPv4 to IPv6. From Network World comes this little article on some things to think about in your transition.

Can you say hybrid because that's what the folks are starting to say allot when it comes to servers and the cloud. From ZDNET we have this article about the use of hybrid, to explain Microsoft's strategy.

And last but not least I love article's on the advancement of memory. From Network World I have this article on a new Flash memory transfer speed specification, and according to the article it's something that Intel is getting behind.

Surf's up........................
