Friday, July 22, 2011

The Problem with Cloud Computing is the Data.......

While reading  an article on GigaOm about the energy savings provided through cloud computing a question arose in my mind okay cloud computing can save you money on the energy side but what about getting the data there and then maintaining access to it? Unless you have a VPN there ought to be a concern about the data caps that your ISP provider places on your terms of service. For for all intents and purposes how much are you really saving when the issue becomes one of accessibility of data? It’s one thing to have a cloud on a private data center would be much cheaper to implement rather than spend time and money on hardware for needed capacity. But to place data in a public cloud seems rather careless to me where we do not have 100% accessibility to online data. Sure it might seem like a great idea to use cloud computing. But when you factor in the cost of lost data in the cloud because either data caps, or the fact that the server where you had your stuff gets confiscated because it  was next to a server that was part of a federal execution of a search warrant, then the benefits, and cost savings of cloud computing don’t seem so great after all.

Those are my Two Bits on the issue. Eric

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