Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Google investors Cry in their Java.

Do you hear that sound? that’s the sound of Google investors crying in their java after Google CEO Larry Page said in a conference call that Google basically has no intention of catering to business customers. Read the story here;
If I’m a investor in Google and I am no longer, I'm cursing, and swearing up a storm thinking that has to be one of the most stupidest, idiotic things I’ve heard come out of Google in a long time. Here you have one of the greatest cloud companies of all time basically saying we don’t want to make money from the big boy’s, we just want to make money from the small fry. That’s like me passing up fillet Mignon, or my wife passing up a lobster dinner. It doesn't happen. But yet here you have Google saying Oh we don’t really want to make money, if Microsoft wants to cater to the enterprise customer in the cloud they can if they want. You want to talk about stupid? This has dumb written all over it. Google could be a leader in market share when it comes  to cloud services. But will they be? Nooooooooooooo. They just gave Microsoft a big wet one. Mark my words the day will come when it comes back to bite Google.

Surfs up!..............................................Eric

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