Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Xfinity Should be like Netflix.

I have to wonder what the suits over at Comcast are thinking since they don’t appear to interested in shaking up the apple cart by not extending the Xfinity brand to become like Netflix.
Check this story out;
I’ve never heard of a company forsaking the opportunity to make a profit because they are afraid to break the mold. Comcast is a far better and bigger company than Netflix their stock price should be just as high if not higher than Netflix’s. The problem with Comcast is that their CEO it seems has to be dragged kicking and screaming into new area’s before he succumbs to the desires of the consumer. To me Comcast is such a big tech giant that it could possibly be on the same plane as Apple or HP. Part of the problem is as I just stated is that Comcast is a tech company and needs to realize that fact. It’s no longer just a cable company, or entertainment company it’s a tech company. It has the potential to make vast sums of money for investors. The first sector is it’s core business the cable operation. The second sector is the entertainment division including the film studio’s and theme parks. The third is it’s role as ISP. All three sectors make vast sums of money for Comcast. Now add to more roles.The fourth role would be as a cell phone provider. Comcast all ready sits on a vast wireless spectrum. Rather than sit on  all this wonderful spectrum why not create and promote products that reach across the broad Comcast platform of services and entertainment? The Fifth role is it could easily put it’s self in is to become a streaming service to other customers outside of it’s foot print. What’s so hard to offer it’s on-Demand service to PAYING customers? Oh wait it might be considered poaching and might actually be a good thing in the cable business can’t have that as people and certain CEO’s like nice steady and stable profits. We wouldn’t want to rock the boat now would we?  We would then have a true Netflix killer in the form of Comcast. The point of the whole matter is that I feel Comcast needs to do a better job at being aggressive in the market and should not shy away from opportunity as it seems to do now.

(Disclosure: My wife and I are long on Netflix stock and neither one of us own any stock in Comcast.)

That’s my two bits on Comcast........................Eric

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