Monday, August 8, 2011

A Chinese Company You Should Know about Tencent.

There’s a Chinese internet company that you should know about and it’s called Tencent. It dominates the internet in China. Think Google except it makes much of it’s revenue from online games. Another thing about Tencent is that it does not innovate very much. It’s like the way Microsoft was in the early 80’s. It takes idea and makes it, it’s own. Tencent does not have much of a presence out side of China yet, the company is seeking expansion beyond the mainland. And if Facebook wants entry into China then it must beat the mighty Tencent penguin. As for revenue numbers Businessweek reports that it had revenue of 3 Billion Dollars in 2010. If you ask me this is not some pie in the sky Chinese start up, but a possible threat to both Google and Facebook. For more check out the article in this week’s Businessweek.


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