Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Two Bits.....The Self Implosion of Firefox.....

Will Firefox implod on its self? From the looks of things it sure looks that way. Why you might ask do I think this? Well for one the short release time of the next versions of the popular browser has allot people, especially developers unhappy since now they have to work twice as hard to make their extensions compatible with the latest version. For part time coders this no small thing. They developed the extensions in their spare time, and they don’t get paid for their work. The biggest advantage to Firefox and all the extensions was the stability of the code for the platform. Coders had the time to work with the new code to test their extensions for bugs. Anyone who’s done any coding knows that this is no small feat. So Mozilla has taken any incentive away for coders to write extensions that might see their life span be a month at most, compared to previous versions that might have been good for a year of two. There’s another set of people who are also turned off by this rapid release schedule of Firefox, and they are the users. If the users cannot get the extensions they need to use the browser since the coders can’t or won’t spend the time producing them, then the users will look for other alternatives to Firefox. When it comes to browsers there’s always someone, some where an idea for the next great browser, and if Firefox does indeed implode then this leaves a hole so big that coders will be looking to fill it. Simple economics. Suppliers will seek to fill  the demand any demand. Especially if the demand is created by the absence of a popular product. Unless Mozilla reverses course and goes back to a slower release cycle for Firefox we could be witnessing one the greatest implosions in the tech industry that we have not see for sometime.


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