Friday, May 27, 2011

The Tech Sceptic

I realized something today. I’m a tech sceptic. A what? A tech sceptic. I am sceptical of modern tech. I love tech don’t get me wrong. I like to solve problems and there are so many challenging problems in tech that I could never get bored. But that point aside there’s allot of tech that’s coming out, that I have to wonder is it ready for prime time? Everyone is in such a rush to turn a profit that the quality of the product suffers. Then there’s the fallible myth that because some piece of data is encrypted that it must be safe right? If it’s encrypted and it was written with some kind of high level language than the data can be hacked and the encryption cracked. So then next  time some one makes the claim that they found an encryption method that can’t be cracked, I say give the Russians a year and they’ll have it cracked. Another thing to be sceptical of is costs of IT. It seems lately that cloud providers and certain software manufacturers are making claims that they can save you money if you buy their products. I’d be sceptical of such claims because some where down the line there’s catch. Often times a company might make the claim that their solution will save you XYZ dollars but honestly that’s because they want your money to make money for themselves. My opinion on this matter is a company or even a consumer should purchase hardware or software, or even services because its right for them and not give in to some sales pitch. An educated buyer is the best type. One last point on this matter. Being green is getting allot of attention in today’s age and when someone comes out with a product that claims is a green product? Was it made of recycled materials? Will it save energy? How much energy was consumed to produce it? Just because some tech solution is said to be good for the environment ask your self in what sense of the word. There you have it I’m a tech sceptic or just call me conservative in my views about tech.
That’s my Two Bits.......................Surfs up!

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