Monday, April 4, 2011

Today's Favorite Articles.

Lessons in IT why command line is sometimes a better tool.

Article blames Windows OS and poor security in critical real time systems.

Though I suspect its not so much the software that’s the problem rather its the people using the software to manage these critical systems.

“Eight ways to save power in data Centers”.

You could tell the boss how you are going to save the company money and look like a hero doing so.

The benefits of a Virtual WLAN CONTROLLER.

Some heavy tech stuff here.

MS claims “Hper-V is ready to support teir1 Application work loads”.

Cisco upgrades some hardware.

Here’s an argument that the cost of running IPv4 will increase and we will all pay the price.

There are managers that have ideas and do not know how to execute those ideas, then there are the managers that know how to take some elses ideas and execute them.

Surf up!...............Eric

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