Thursday, April 7, 2011

The importance of following the Business news.

Do you read the news? Do you really read the news? Or do you jump to the website of your local paper to read the sports section ? When you go to a news paper website are you looking for the  subsection call technology? Then after those two sections will you check out the headlines on the front page see that the world is still in disarray, that taxes are going up again, and that overall the world is a depressing place? So you'll want to go back to your wonderful world of tech. But there is another section of the paper that you should be reading as well, along with other types of blogs and websites. Its called the business section of our economy. Its how us techies make our living, by having business thrive and grow, so will hopefully our paychecks too. I say all of this because as a techie I think its important to understand, and know what the markets are doing, and how they are shifting. Not to mention what tech companies are hot, and what companies are rumored to being bought by a bigger rival. Is it your company that’s a target for a take over?             

Besides the business section of the newspaper there are an assortment of sites that offer great market coverage. There’s yahoo business, there’s “MarketWatch” which I personally check out at least once daily. I use google finance to take a quick peek at our stock portfolio, then there’s the “” for in-depth coverage. If  you want the latest news from a business sector  there are  the google email alerts. I use this feature to keep track of rumors if my company is going to be bought out, I have google even send me stuff that gets reported in blogs, so if there’s a sniff out there I see it. But the real point of the matter is if you are tech worker; system admin,network admin, CIO, consultant, whatever, if you make your living in the tech world then you need to be on top of the latest business news and trends. Those of us in the tech field are knowledge workers we need to keep our knowledge base growing across the board and not just limited to our own little slice of the tech world.

That’s my two cents..............


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