Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's Favorite Articles.

Here are some articles that I think are worth your time to read.

From PC World comes this article about Netflix dominating the online streaming market with a 60% share. Compare that to Comcast at #2 with 8% of the online streaming market. "There's going to be blood."

Do you need a cloud telephone solution. Here's article from Network World on Twilio which might fit your needs. source=NWWNLE_nlt_cloud_security_2011-03-17

With the move to IPv6 you should include on how to handle your internet defenses as you migrate from IPv4 to IPv6. From Network World comes this little article on some things to think about in your transition.

Can you say hybrid because that's what the folks are starting to say allot when it comes to servers and the cloud. From ZDNET we have this article about the use of hybrid, to explain Microsoft's strategy.

And last but not least I love article's on the advancement of memory. From Network World I have this article on a new Flash memory transfer speed specification, and according to the article it's something that Intel is getting behind.

Surf's up........................


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