Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today's Links and My Two Bits on the iCloud.....

“Study Finds Gaps in Managed File Transfer IPv6 Support, Spurs Vendor Announcements”

“ISPs Might Not Solve Consumer IPv6 Issues”

“Hackers may try to disrupt World IPv6 Day”

There’s allot of comments and reactions to Steve Jobs introduction of the iCloud a service the Apple is launching to allow for a synchronization of data and info across the Apple hardware platform. I begin with the story from the Boston Hearald.

“Steve Jobs head’s in the iCloud”

“iCloud Blankets Apple's Entire Ecosystem”

High on iCloud, Apple slates MobileMe's demise”

Could the new iOS 5 be the death Knell for Blackberry?

What the developers are saying about the announcements from Apple yesterday

“Why Didn't Apple Launch a Music Streaming Service?”

What I would like to see is a cloud option for the home user. What? We have home servers on the market now why not take the home server, and make it our own private cloud? We take dumb terminals have them connect to the home server, and connect to the net through the home server. Furthermore it would allow for storage options to be scaled in the home, and power consumption might possibly be reduced. Think of the possibilities a Google home server competing with the offerings from Microsoft and Apple.

My Two Bits on Apples iCloud;
Apple or rather Steve Jobs saw a way to make money off of the cloud. They had to come up with a cloud strategy or risk missing the boat on cloud offerings. The synchronization of Apple products in the cloud was a smart move though it’s just starting out it will hit a few bumps along the way. And since its Apple people willing be willing to pay a premium for Apple’s products. To be frank Apples products more about being hip than they are about being functional. There are pro’s and con’s to this argument. But let’s be honest people like to be seen with Apple product’s not because their cheap but because they are stylish. For geeks having Apple’s products is like buying the latest handbag or fur coat. They are the must have products for geekdom. The iCloud is a continuation of that theme. People will ask are you in the iCloud? It will become like an exclusive club that only buyers of Apples products can enter as long as they have the latest and greatest of Apple products to enter. There has been a bit screaming and shouting that Apple has decided to stop support for MoblieMe. Why not? Why should Apple care about discontinuing a service since it knows that these very same people doing the yelling are like everyone else, they will pay a premium for it’s products. Once again Apple or rather Steve Jobs has shown why they are he is the master of tech trends. Everyone else must now follow. Look for Google to come up with it’s own way of syncing it’s offerings in the cloud. You can also look for Microsoft and possibly Amazon to follow suit. The dark horse in all this might be of all companies Comcast. They have quite a broad platform from which to leverage their consumer offerings. Stranger things have happened.

“Oracle and OpenOffice: The Final Insult”

Motorola Droid video surfaces on YouTube

“Sony unveils next-gen portable device 'Vita'”

WWDC Highlights

“Quad-Core Mobile Gaming”

“Popular Chinese Microblog by Sina to Launch English Version”

FT uses HTML5 for web app rather than iTunes

A radio telescope array gets an upgrade and extended life

A new 3D bundle from Sony
I’ll wait for glassless 3D which should be in a few years.

“Verizon’s Bundle Builder shows the power of broadband”
Sounds all and good but don’t forget the service charges, the taxes and fee’s, and lets not forget anytime you change service providers there’s the hassle of setting up new equipment. Then there’s the charge for the server that the service provider puts in the basement. Oh ,and lets not forget the charge for the digital converter box on each TV in the house. So on top of the quoted plan price you can tac on another thirty dollars a month, at least, that you need to budget for the service. You have to do your homework figure out what’s important to you, and not buy into the hype.

“Alternatives to Popular Tech Products”

“Three Ways to Survive the Coming Changes in Corporate IT”

“You CAN Apply for the Same Job Twice, So Long as You’re Careful”

A white paper from Schnieder Electric on energy efficiency.

“Tips for creating an accepted app”

“Clearwire, Comcast And Sprint Widen WiMax In Philly, Pittsburgh”
Verizon has the edge here as the rest of the world is shifting to LTE for 4G rather than use the WiMax standard. This is a bad move on Comcast’s part. A good move on Verizon’s part since the use the LTE protocol. So if you want LTE service go with Verizon. Other wise is WiMax for everyone else.

Dell to use CommVault software PowerEdge Blade Servers;
Dell has decided to use the CommVault software on its PowerEdge Blade servers. According to company material it will provide for better management, and back up of virtual machines in about thirty minutes for  1k VM’s. Furthermore CommVault software promises to offer a scalable solution with the ability to add more VM’s rather seamlessly. You can learn more at http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/commvault-and-dell-collaborate-to-simplify-speed-and-safeguard-virtual-data-center-deployments-123333928.html

Cablevision to make the AMC network independent

NetFlix thinks that Comcast has the best broadband network to stream its content.

“The platform-as-a-service cloud: Developers are in charge”

Micron becomes first foundry owner to join the enterprise PCIe SSD fray”

NASA plan takes the Internet into space and beyond”

Surfs up!.................................Eric

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