Monday, May 2, 2011

My Two Bits..............

I do allot of reading for this blog. Every article I link to I read. I might read the first page or the whole thing. But the important thing to note is that I link to articles that I think are noteworthy not only for their relevance but also for what they teach you the reader. I want you to surf away knowing that you’ve read the latest trends and technological developments in our world today. With that in mind I thought I’d  share my two bits of insight for what ever it may be worth to you about what I see trending in our world of tech.

With the rise in crude prices hardware is bound to get more expensive as costs rise in shipping prices from mainland China. This in turn might lead to companies looking to manufacture products back here in the good ol’ USA. This too would lead to an increase in manufacturing jobs, and you thought the President was stupid in wanting higher oil prices? Then again this strategy might back fire on him if it happens later rather than sooner.The rise in oil prices does benefit tech. In that it will push demand for cleaner, more fuel efficient,smarter cars. Imagine needing a system admin to get access to your car, because it wont start since you don’t have the right pass word? Oh the cops would love that for all those repeat DUI offenders......

Other trends include the evolution of the cloud. There are the pros's and cons of moving to the cloud and how fast to move. Private vs. Public clouds. Linux or Microsoft. Its almost like saying do you like chocolate or vanilla? Other aspects to consider when moving to the cloud are how is data secured? What liability does the cloud provider have should the cloud go down and valuable data is lost? So you want to keep email and confidential messages on a private cloud or public cloud? If you use a public cloud for your email service then its more easily accessed for a search warrant vs if it were kept in a private cloud there wouldn't be that question or worry.

A home that has every aspect of it connected to the net got even closer with the idea of using WiFi to connect the home. Forget the cables. The home of the future is connected by WiFi! You want connivance you can get it with advancements in WiFi technology. The possiblities are endless and with IPv6 coming there’s no need to worry about getting an IP address for your sprinkler system.

Pc’s continue to get smaller. First it was the netbook phenom now its tablets. Pc’s will continue to evolve. I need a pc console built into the love seat with the cup holders so that I can check my email while I watch my 3D TV.

Forget the glasses, new 3D tech won’t need those ridiculous over priced, can’t fit over my glasses things. There’s a format war in 3D tv’s right now, and I say it will be short lived since glassless tech will not only get cheaper but win out any day. I’ll take a 50inch 3D tv please. And a home server to stream movies.

An interesting trend is the rise of Netflix. Will it fall or will it be the google of streaming video. A 500lb gorilla in a crowded marketplace? I own the stock, and to me its so volatile that its like being on a roller coaster five days a week.

Ah yes our wonderful, ever evolving world of tech, it moves so fast that its close to warp speed. Not yet though. Tech and the desire by humanity will be the motivating factors to going where no man has yet gone before.

Those are my two bits for today............................Eric

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