Saturday, April 2, 2011

Today's Favorite Articles.

The Dueling monopolies.

Printers for the cloud. HP to support Google Cloud Print.

NetFlix adds to it’s streaming library.

“Facebook and Mark Zuckerburg are being sued for a Billion dollars.”
That might put a small dent in his back account.

A couple of toy’s for the geeks to check out. Some hard drives of the TB nature.

Here’s a 12TB server that if I used in my home, that I wouldn't know what to do with so much memory.

Then again my wife might kill me over the electric bill if I were to bring this puppy home.

VeriSign to support DNSSEC.

Eric's take.........

Tech continues to change the world we live in and how we act and behave with all that tech has given us. Reading everything I can about tech, it's nice for a moment to look outside at the world around me, and for a brief moment watch nature at it's best. As I write this there are birds at the bird feeder at my window. It's nice once and awhile, and take a break from everything that is tech. Too often we get caught up in all tech toy's, and gadgets that we sometimes forget that there is a real world out there, and we are not to be merely annoyed by inclement weather, but to be reminded that we despite all the tech that surrounds us in our daily lives are still a part of this great big uncontrollable world that we live on. At no point in the history of the world has there been an age or society so technologically advanced as ours that we stand at a pinnacle of unparalleled success in the developmental and usage of tech that it's simply awe inspiring when you compare to other ages behind us. Where can we go from here? Only as high or as far as the newest and latest advances in science and tech will take us. But also let us remember the simpler ages that came before this, and remember that people allays made do with what they had on hand. So I  encourage you to take a break from all the tech toy's, and the cell phone's, and go and take a walk in a park or along the river, and get out to see the real world, not just the one our pc's and pda's show us.

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