Friday, April 29, 2011

RedHat Learning..........

Everyday another story comes out about the increasing use of Linux in the enterprise and how Linux, mainly RedHat on the server side is taking a bite out of Redmond’s revenue stream. If you want to learn about Linux server technologies you might be hard pressed to find a networking class at your community college, that offers you the chance to learn about RedHat, and how their server software works. I did a little digging on and came up with some facts. One RedHat does offer training at various institutions around the country and on-line. They even offer various self paced classes online for a price. Even though they say self paced what they mean is that you have three months to complete the class. Prices range from $1120-1599 depending on the class. You can check out the classes and their prices by clicking on the following link.

To quote Mr.Spock from Star Trek “Live wise and Prosper.”
Surfs up!................Eric

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