Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today's Favorite Articles, and a first look at Firefox 4.

A free server app the NOVABACK UP app.

The trend is not to the cloud but to micro servers. Here’s an article about Dell’s offerings. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/22/dell_poweredge_c_micro_servers/

The need for Unified communications through cloud solutions, from Network World.com;

“Hacker vs. Hacker, a cautionary tale.”

Some deep techie stuff on the need for networks to be efficient.

Here’s  an article about system admins playing games with company equipment.

Firefox 4 first impressions.

My Personal Opinion.
On first look of the latest version of Firefox it appears to be the same browser. It still has the tool bar on top and it has a separate search engine bar. The forward and back buttons are the same from previous versions, though the tabs look like Google’s Chrome tabs. The only thing noticeable with use the first time around is speed. The thing seems fast, for Chrome fans no worries here, since Google will catch up faster than a Firefox version release. But for web browsing, is speed a good thing? From a security perspective the faster things move the chances that some little nasty is going to get into system and take over. There will be arguments that Firefox can more personalized than Chrome. To me I like the Chrome interface and the fact that there is no separate search engine bar. I also like the fact that the tools are hidden away under an icon. Is this thing a Chrome clone or what? Even the way to book mark a page is the same as Chrome’s. To me the major reason to personalize the default Firefox interface is because of its bland appearance.  For security worry warts there’s the NO Script feature in Firefox, but to me it hinders the browsing experience. I’m fine with out that tool.  So unless you already use Firefox for your web browsing needs why would you switch back too it? For me there are not enough positives and too many negatives to switch from Chrome back to Firefox. But that’s just my opinion.

Today’s toy: Pop Corn, a media jukebox that you won’t find in Walmart.

Surfs up!.....................................Eric

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